Refactoring Ekstrak Class dan Inner Class Banyak kesempatan refactoring yang terbuka jika kita lebih jeli melihat situasi code nya dan pola pola refactoring dan desain yang sudah ada. Sebagai contoh dalam kesempatan ini kita lihat bagaimana kita bisa meng-ekstrak class dari code yang sudah ada dengan melihat pola yang ada di dalamnya. Berikut sebuah contoh code
Domain and Infrastructure Code It’s hard to see any lines of code that don’t touch an API...The first step is to identify the computational core of code: What is this chunk of code really doing for us? — Michael Feathers On a high level, there’s two kind of code * Domain Code.
Clean Architecture by Example One question people often ask when learning about Clean Architecture is on code example. The original article and even the book itself does not contain much of it. It is quite understandable though since it deals with high level abstraction that any code example that is too concrete might risk